Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sick Kids Walk and Cranio kids

About 3 weeks ago a person who works for "miracle club" came around and asked me if I wanted to donate every month and sign up...of course I said yes...Sick Kids is a wonderful hospital and they do such great stuff., plus I wanted to give something back to them since they are going to be taking care of my baby. We (Keri, my mom, myself, Noah, Fiona, Cath and Josh) are doing the Sick Kids walk on June 10th at coronation park in Toronto. I've been bugging everyone to sponsor my team "I love my cranio baby". I've gotten a lot of sponsors so far YEAH!!!! I'll give you the grand total when I know it.
I should have mentioned this in my first entry...I've found a wonderful website that deals with cranio issues. I've met(on line, not in person) some wonderful people who have gone through or are going through the same thing that Fiona is going through, there are many types of cranio..but the journey is all the same...worry, stress, joy, sadness. It's great to talk to other parents about this...I've learned so much, I've seen before and after photos and learned a lot about the surgery and recovery. We are actually meeting a family in July Sylvie is a great support to me, her son had metopic surgery at Sick Kids..she's been totally honest with me about everything.