Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Past Few Dyas

Keri and I went to Niagara Falls for the night on was GREAT, it's what we needed, we needed to reconnect, and that's what we did. We have go through so much over the past year....Fiona's surgery, all the issues with Noah and of course the passing of his Mother, we both went through depression, I was in a major depression. I'm better now. We are on the same page again and we weren't for the longest time. I didn't know if we were going to survive or not, we both take our vows seriously and we wanted to work at it.

I got an email from Alan at Sick Kids today. Fiona's surgery is on September 4th at 3:00pm. She has to fast from midnight's going to be a long cranky day for all of us.
Although she is only having a cyst remove and it's a very minor surgery....I'm a mess, all the feeling are coming back from the first surgery, it's crazy....her cranio surgery was almost a year ago already (Sept 26th) time flies. I can't believe my baby girl has to go through another surgery again....she's not even 2 yet :(