Yesterday was very tough, probably more on me then Fiona. They put the numbing cream on the one hand, I think it worked a bit not 100%. They only took one poke and the IV was in. She was crying the whole time we were waiting for the nurse to put the actual medicine in the IV. She finally put in the stuff to relax her, it was hilarious, after about 5 seconds she looked up at me with this funny grin on her face...she was acting drunk. So we carried her into the CT room, put her on the bed, they thought that she maybe able to do it with just the relaxing medicine but she started crying and kicking, so they put the sleeping stuff in the IV and about 5 minutes later she was out. They did a 3D scan with dye. We will find out the results on Friday. She was so wobbly all day and VERY cranky...I couldn't put her down because she would fall, when I sat her on the floor she tipped over. They said that the sedation will last 24 hours.
She woke up this morning and is acting like herself. I can't believe the effects of that medicine.
I'm so glad that we don't have to wait too long for the results.