I feel like I'm in a funk right now...so much has happened since Fiona's surgery....the 6 months leading up to it were the worst time of my life. I had so many questions, why should we put our baby through this, why was this happening to our little girl? The stress and anxiety was overwhelming, I remember driving one day...I don't know where I was but I started crying....I wanted to drive into a wall. Thank God the feeling past....I didn't know how to deal with the surgery, or the feelings.
I started weight watchers in January....I've lost 20 pounds.....I have not gone for 3 weeks.....it's a combination of a lot of reasons, I'm not in the right frame of mind right now, I can't attend the meetings because Keri golfs every Saturday morning, the other 2 days that they have meetings are the days that Keri is in school. I'm in a funk....all I do is take care of the kids, I have NO me time, and when I wants some I feel guilty for asking, actually even if I wanted some I can't Keri is too busy right now.
On a positive note Fiona is almost 8 months post op...in 2 days from now, at our last visit to Sick Kids, Dr. Phillips said everything looked perfect and we would not have to go back for 1 year....great news. We are doing the Sick Kids walk again in a couple of weeks....I won't be raising as much money as I did last year....I feel bad asking my friends and family for money again.